Written + photographed by Marika N. Johnson

The atmosphere was electric at the Jxdn concert Saturday night, with a sea of young fans eagerly awaiting the arrival of the social media sensation. The singer, who rose to fame on TikTok with his catchy pop-punk tunes and infectious energy, did not disappoint adoring fans at Iron City Birmingham.
The opening act, The Beauty School Dropouts with Cole Hutzler on lead vocals, promptly took the stage at 8PM. From the moment the band appeared the crowd was pumped and ready to go. The BSD’s had a very dynamic and energetic presence and used the stage in its entirety. Expect them to jump around, run across the stage, and interact with the crowd – all while delivering catchy pop-punk hits such as “See You in Hell”, and “Coming Down”.
After about a 45 minute set from the openers, the main act Jaden Hossler known professionally as Jxdn, took the stage. He had the crowd in the palms of his hands, effortlessly commanding their attention with his presence and impressive vocal range. His band was also at peak execution, providing a driving musical backdrop that perfectly complemented the singer’s highly energetic performance.

Fans were especially enthusiastic during Jxdn’s opening performance of “Better Off Dead,” a song that has become a TikTok favorite thanks to its catchy chorus and relatable lyrics. The audience sang along at the top of their lungs, their phones held high to capture the moment and share it with the world. He performed newer songs but of course, through the magic of social media, the audience had no problem singing along to either. He then belts out the heartfelt single, “Pray” with a powerful voice, found from deep within.
“..Hossler explained that “Pray” is “kind of like a prayer that I was calling out before while I was in the depression, I would pray to God, ‘let me die in my sleep.’ And coming out of it, there’s hope at the end of the road.”
– People Magazine

“Friends with Benefits” and a Jxdn and The Beauty School Dropouts collab “Freak” were some of the songs on his almost two hour long set. He closes the show once and then returns for an encore. Closing it out for the night with an energetic “Angels and Demons” — WHAT A WAY TO FINISH A SHOW!! If you ever find yourself wanting to hear a talented young Pop/Rock star on the way to the top or If you ever wanting to scream and jump with wild abandon with a crowd of similarly minded people — don’t miss the Jxdn: I Hope This Never Ends Tour.